Thursday, March 10, 2005

Where's Barry?

The House Government Reform Committee announced their list of baseball players and executives subpoenaed in their steroid investigation yesterday. One can argue whether or not the committee should be dealing with more pressing business then steroids in baseball (though clearly Major League Baseball as an entity has done nothing about the steroid issue and only Congress, thanks to the continuation of the Antitrust Exemption has the power to make them jump). But I could only think of one question upon seeing the list.

Where's Barry?

Barry Bonds, the posterchild for those who believe steroids are rampant throughout baseball, was not on the list of those called to testify. Why not? What are the underlying politics behind him not receiving a subpoena? It is not the BALCO investigation; Jason Giambi received a subpoena.

One has to wonder how useful these hearings are going to be if the perceived "Public Enemy # 1" on the steroid issue has not been compelled to attend.


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