Friday, April 01, 2005


Maryland Democratic Leadership is starting to sound and act more desperate heading into next year's election. Senate President Mike Miller is pushing a plan to move the 2006 primary election to June 20th. The plan has the support of Miller and Congressional Democrats, but not of Speaker Busch.

Certainly, there are merits to holding Primary Elections earlier than the second Tuesday in September. However, those merits are not the reason this idea is being discused. The idea is the latest act of desperation by state Democrats to avoid a situation where they have to deal with two bitter, contested primaries for Governor and U.S. Senate. Moving back the primary date will allow Democratic candidates more time to raise money and to reconcile all sides prior to the General Election.

Moving the Primary date should be discussed...sometime in 2007. Moving the Primary now, with little discussion, this close to the election smacks of desperate partisanship as opposed to good public policy.


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