Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Sosa, Palmeiro Should Stay Away

Since the Orioles season nose-dived after the All-Star Break, there has been little to cheer for. One of the best things that has happened recently was the team sending Rafael Palmeiro to Texas for his rehab assignment. Palmeiro has been a cancer around the neck of this team since his positive steroid test went public. It is best for the ballclub that he go to Texas. And stay there.

I hope Sammy Sosa does not come off of the DL either. Both Palmeiro and Sosa are shining examples of how not to carry yourself on the field. One cheated. The other may have cheated, but almost as bad rarely has given 100-percent as an Oriole. Frankly, neither player brings much to this team right now, and I would rather see the younger players see veteran examples such as Melvin Mora and Miguel Tejada as opposed to the other two.


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