Sunday, October 16, 2005

Cardin's Numbers Don't End Dems Senate Primary

Congressman Ben Cardin has raised a sizeable war chase since he announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate, including $900,000 in the last quarter. Whiel some Maryland Democrats want to announce that the coronation is complete, other Democratic Candidates are still viable. Kweisi Mfume may only have $230,000 cash on hand, he remains the only African-American candidate in the field. Lise Van Susteren and Josh Rales both have sizeable personal checkbooks from which to draw their strength. Allan Lichtman is a an academic who, frankly, probably does not need a sizeable war chest to succeed on the back of his extremely liberal views. And that does not even take into account the likley entry into the race of Dennis Rasmussen.

Any Democrat lulled into the false sense of security that Cardin has this race sown up will be found sorely mistaken come July. I hope that all of the candidates (and more) enter the race, as it makes it the much more likely that Lt. Governor Steele will be our next U.S. Senator.


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