Saturday, November 26, 2005

Please Specify

I do not get too into the Christmas spirit until December 1st (though I did buy my first ornament of the year in September, but only because we were at Harrod's). But all of this un-Christmas spirit is driving me batty.

"We Wish You a Happy Holiday" is now sung in schools these days in lieu of the more familiar lyrics. There is the infamous Petco commercial with a couple celebrating their puppy's first holiday (with a Christmas tree in the background, no less).
I cannot imagine hearing the phrase "Holiday Tree," or "Holiday Lights," or "Holiday Parade" one more time.

Things have gotten out of control when corporations and governments feel like they cannot refer to Christmas by name without offending the minority. We cannot wish people a Merry Christmas. Schools seemingly cannot have any reference to Christmas whatsoever (though references to Chanukah and Kwanzaa seem perfectly acceptable). When is the American public going to stand up and take a stand against people who refuse to acknowledge a holiday observed by a supermajority of the American public. This is an opinion shared even by our friends, particularly our Jewish friends, who do not celebrate Christmas.

If you want to greet me with a salutation, please specify. I would rather have somebody wish me a Happy Chanukah, a Happy Kwanzaa, a or even a Happy Saturnalia than just wish me a Happy Holidays. The message is not in intimidating somebody who is of a different belief than you; it is the spirit of camaraderie, family, friendship, and community such a greeting entails. A feeling that one individual hopes another has a wonderful day or week during that holiday, regardless of their religious beliefs. I feel blessed that the person acknowledged me in the celebration of their holiday.

Let's face it: a refusal to acknowledge Christmas insults to all people of all faiths who celebrate all holidays.


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