Saturday, November 05, 2005


The Teacher's Union went ahead with its vote of no confidence against Superintendent Eric Smith yesterday, squeaking by with a 109-2 vote. How exactly this unproductive, petty gesture will help improve the plight of teachers, schools, and students I am not exactly certain. TAAAC has registered its disapproval with Smith for some time now over the course of the last several years. With Smith leaving in less than three weeks, how does this move impact the course of his administration? For that matter, will the union's move negatively influence potential candidates to be Smith's full-time replacement? Would a potential candidate choose against coming to Anne Arundel County due to the political machinations of the union? We will wait and see. I will also be interested to see how the union deals with interim Superintendent Nancy Mann. How they deal with Dr. Mann will show if they are truly committed to working within the system to enact positive change for the teachers they represent.


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