Tuesday, March 28, 2006

School Board Bill Advances: Contact Your Senators

The infamous HB24, the bill that would provide alter the process for selecting members of the School Board, has passed the House of Delegates and is now in the State Senate. Fortunately, three of the five members of the County Senate Delegation are opposed to this bill.

As I have stated before, this bill accomplishes nothing other than further taking power out of the hands of parents and taxpayers, and putting it in the hands of an unelected commission. It still amazes me that some of our elected officials have the gall to call the results of this bill an "elected" school board. Once again, we can only assuming that Delegate Leopold and the supporters of this bill believe that big government, not the voters, should make the decision for us as to how our children are educated.

Please contact your State Senator and let them know that this bill impedes, not improves, the School Board selection process.


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