Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Faith in Primary Voters

My faith in the primary election process was restored today.

For those of you who don't know, last year the Pennsylvania legislature overwhelmingly tried to sneak through a pay increase for themselves. They used some pretty underhanded tactics and passed a pay increase in the middle of the night.

Tonight, State Senator Chip Brightbill, Pennsylvania's majority leader, was overwhelmingly defeated in the Republican primary by a challenger who challenged him on his support and vote for the pay hike.

I think this makes a pretty good statement about the sophistication of our party's primary voters. They understand when a Republican goes off the reservation, and either fails to support Republican policies or carries himself in a manner that is detrimental to the party and detrimental to the cause of Republicanism. In the case of Pennsylvania, the voters did the right thing and threw those who disgraced the party out and who disgraced their legislature out on their ear. I can only hope that the voters here will do the same on September 12th...


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