Tuesday, September 26, 2006

That Was Quick

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee sure didn't wait long to start attacking Michael Steele. I saw their first ad today and it is hysterical. Not because of its accuracies, but because the DSCC actually had the hubris to use footage from Michael Steele's "puppy" commercial in it. Only the Democrats would actually crate an attack ad by using footage from an ad denouncing attack ads.

To the Steele campaign's credit, they already have a new ad denouncing the DSCC ad.

Can you imagine what the Cardin and DSCC internals are telling them right now? If this supposedly impenetrable Democratic Senate seat requires attack ads against Steele six weeks before the election, then the internals must be breaking all against Cardin. Neither the Cardin campaign nor the DSCC has launched any new positive material since the primary. First thing out of the chute and the Democrats are already attacking the Lt. Governor (very reminiscent of Bill Clinton's bizarro ranting against Chris Wallace on Sunday). The Democratic team could be in for a long, LONG ride the next 42 days and nights.

I don't want to be too optimistic that the SurveyUSA poll of last week was completely accurate, but maybe the Democratic internals are telling them the same thing..


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