Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Better Late Than Never

Scott Rolle has gone on the air:

Just because you have not heard much about the AG's race recently (short of the last minute hail-mary regarding Gansler's eligiblity), do not underestimate the importance of this race. The Attorney General appoints countless Assistant Attorneys General who work at the Departmental and Agency level. These are the lawyers for the executive and legislative departments that decide on the legality of programs and actions administered by these agencies. Think that the current AAG's are particualrly friendly to Governor Ehrlich's Secretaries and Agency heads? Fat chance. And Doug Gansler's AAG's would behave in the same manner.

Rolle has an enormous mountain to climb in the next week, but please tell your friends, family, and everybody you know the importance of making the right choice in this race.


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