Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Here's a Stupid idea

Courtesy of the World Council of Churches (H/T Instapundit):
The international community must create a new United Nations body with the mandate to track, evaluate and accept or reject new technologies and their products through an International Convention on the Evaluation of New Technologies (ICENT).
So, you want to let the UN, which can't even account for its own money, which is insidiously corrupt, and has a noted anti-US slant to decide what technologies we get to use? Given that nearly all of the ideas and technologies being developed are incubated in the west, particularly the US and Japan, how is that going to work. Besides, think about how many technologies such as genetically modified foods, could be helping the poor and the starving right now only NGO's like the UN would stay out of the way. Besides, he private sector has done a better job of expanding useful technology such as with the $100 laptops than any large bureaucracy has. I wouldn't trust the UN to organize a bake sale, much less decide what types of technologies can improve our lives.


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