Tuesday, December 12, 2006

More Taxing Matters

It's not just the cigarette tax prominent Democrats will push for in Annapolis this year, from the sounds of it:

Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett yesterday called for an increase in Maryland's gas tax to help fund road and mass transit projects he said would not be possible without a sustained way to pay for them.

The suggestion by the new leader of the state's largest jurisdiction to raise the 23.5-cent tax got a tepid response from Gov.-elect Martin O'Malley (D), who sized it up as an "interesting proposal," and state Senate President Thomas V. "Mike" Miller (D-Calvert), who said it could be a tough sell in the General Assembly.

I'm not exactly sure why O'Malley finds in "interesting." I find it pretty sad that the same politicians who blamed the Bush Administration for higher gas prices now want to raise gas prices once more through taxes; and another regressive tax to boot.

Is there anything in Maryland same from new potential taxes? Especially considering what we need to do is lower the gas tax to ensure to relieve the costs of higher gas prices

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