Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Smoked Out

Why Elect a Democratic County Executive when you can have John Leopold instead?
County executive John R. Leopold announced today he wants a countywide ban on smoking in bars and restaurants...

...Mr. Leopold said he wants to protect restaurant and bar employees and patrons from the dangers of second-hand smoke and cited a Surgeon General report that said separate ventilation areas for smokers do not eliminate the impact of second-hand smoke.

"This is an important priority for me," said Mr. Leopold, who once suffered from melanoma. "I think ultimately it's going to be a boon (to these businesses).
Who needs freedom of choice in dining establishments, right? Then, he leaps into this fallacy:
"Patrons can go with their feet and make other choices, employees can not. We owe all the employees in this county to work in a smoke free environment and have their health protected."
Let's address two points with this:
  1. Patrons can already go with their feet; patrons can go to establishments that do or do not allow smoking. I, personally, prefer establishments that are no smoking. But that's my choice

  2. Employees can also vote with their feet; I don't think anybody is forcing any employee to work in an environment that exposes them to smoking. If they wish not to work in an environment, they can find an alternative source of employment.
For somebody who kvetches a lot about Anne Arundel County being a "backwater, protectionist county," this sure is an interesting kind of "protectionist" idea to help protect us from ourselves. I guess John Leopold knows what is best for the people of Anne Arundel County, given that not all of us could grow up with trust funds and a life of privilege in Philadelphia.

I guess we should not be surprised by the latest example of John Leopold's support of nanny-state liberal government. His record on support of big government goes back over thirty years to his time in Hawaii. But that's a topic for another day. Regardless, when don't need this nanny state big government stuff from somebody ostensibly on our own side...

I hope that, given that there is a Republican majority on the County Council, common sense would prevail if the issue were brought before the council. Sadly, I think the General Assembly will act on this well before they get the chance.

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Blogger Brandon said...

I am deeply disappointed in Leopold's support for a smoking ban. What's next, a ban on candy bars or potato chips?

8:45 PM  
Blogger Jerry Shandrowsky said...

Did you all expect Leopold to become a conservative overnight? Again, please should do some research prior to voting straight party.

6:56 PM  

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