Monday, February 26, 2007

The Preachers of Hollywood and Vine

During Sunday's Oscar Telecast, usually four hours of left-wing self-congratulation, the entire evening became a love-in for former Vice-President Al Gore and the Global Warming movement. It was so bad that CNN noted that Gore basically received $5 million in free advertising during the event. Hollywood blogger Nikke Finke has more.

In what ways was it bad?:
  • Ellen DeGeneres made a joke in the monologue about people having actually voted for Al Gore, despite him not winning.
  • The Goracle joins intellectual heavyweight Leonardo DeCaprio on stage to talk about how the Oscars went green this year led by the " non-partisan" Natural Resources Defense Council (see what sacrifices the rich with leerjets want you to make!). Oh: and we are all going to die (or something) if we don't take action right now. Ironically, Libertas notes:
    Leo and Gore. Between them these two environmentalists' combined living space could house all those Haitian Boat People Clinton turned back.
  • Gore apparently made a movie which the Cuban Government loves that won Best Fictional Drama Best Documentary for some reason. His producer noted that he was "moved to act by this man." He and the Goracle then got their prom picture together.
  • On the way up to accept the award, the Movie Voice Guy ( Don LaFontaine) said, and I quote as best I can:
    The movie was scheduled to be filmed in New Orleans the day before Hurricane Katrina hit, a prime example of the effects of global warming.
    (Never mind that Katrina was the epitome of Democratic failure, incompetence, and corruption)

  • Then, some other guy comes up and wins an award and thanks Al Gore apparently for existing.
The entire night a celebration of a has-been politician and his "documentary" which has been savagely torn apart nine ways to Sunday.

Now, here comes the real question: how would Hollywood celebrate a movie about creationism?

I don't ask this question in jest. Creationism is, by all accounts, a theory. A theory that has little in scientific basis; in fact, most scientists support alternative theories (i.e. evolution) and have a substantially greater scientific basis to support the alternative theories. Creationism is accepted by millions of people as fact. They accept it on faith alone.

That's what many of the Hollywood elite do with current theories on global warming. They accept what they have been told on faith alone, notwithstanding the fact that no scientific consensus exists on the matter. Does anybody seriously think that Leonardo read any of the literature on climate change before coming to the conclusion that the Goracle must save us all? I highly doubt it, if only due to the culture of Hollywood that accepts left-leaning talking points as the truth, regardless of their veracity.

Hollywood's global warming alarmists adopt the global warming orthodoxy on a leap of faith. Ironically, these same people savagely criticize those who are religious for taking the same leap of faith on their beliefs.

Now I am skeptical about man-made global warming. And I am skeptical about creationism. But the contrast of the acceptability of believing in global warming on faith is striking when compared to the modern day acceptability of creationism.

Those who are on television, like DeCaprio. preaching about the need to conserve and the need to fight global warming remind me a lot of the televangelist Jim Bakker . Both preach to the true believers, both preaching gospels as they see fit. Both living lives of hypocrisy; Bakker for his sex scandals and financial improprieties, DeCaprio for his large houses and gas-guzzling modes of transportation.

That makes the global warming crowd in Hollywood nothing more than Preachers proselytizing to their flock. They are the Preachers of Hollywood and Vine...

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