Tuesday, February 13, 2007

R.I.P. Congressman Norwood

Congressman Charlie Norwood(R-GA) has passed away due to cancer today. He recently returned home to Georgia to be with loved ones in his final days. While we remember him and his service to his country, take a look at what this pompous jerk had to say about it before the Congressman's passing:
Georgia Republican Congressman Charlie Norwood will be coming back to Augusta, GA "to let God do what He may", according to the ailing Dentist. The Congressman has refused treatment in Georgetown to come home to a 24-hour hospice care. Oddly he may actually make a case for Dr. Kevorkian style euthanasia in his waning days. Governor Perdue will have to call a special election after Norwood's evidently eventual extinction....We certainly wish the best for Congressman Norwood, but if he is refusing treatment, the least he could while still alive is to resign the seat with dignity intact. Death is a tremendously difficult subject to write about, and it proves an old adage one step further: Republicans want to control how you are born, how you live and how you die, and now it seems control your life after they die.
This poor excuse for a human being is the Chairman of the Oconne County, Georgia Democratic Party.



Blogger David K. Kyle said...

Ha! And people think I am harsh and uncaring. It certainly shows the evil, uncaring hate mongering side of Democrats they hide so well for the most part to the public. When they take off their masks you really see the slimy, foul, putrid, malignant people they really are. How they can be so callous and shallow and malevolent to want to speed someone’s death is way beyond their normal evil repugnant selves and into the realm of super spiteful evil beings I have suspected them to be all these years. Wow, I need to stop reading Daffodil Lane it is starting to affect the way I write.

4:57 AM  

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