Sunday, August 19, 2007

AA GOP Central Committee: Collins Statement # 2

Brian Gill again had it first, but here it is, Mike Collins' statement from this week's AA GOP Calendar email:
The other three documents are on a related, but more negative issue. A friend of mine recently spoke with a Republican member of the House of Delegate, who told her that the reason the State Republican Party is hurting so badly on finances is because of me. The rumor he was pushing was that I had asked people not to attend the Red, White, and Blue fundraiser. At an event in mid-July, a person connected to this delegate was spreading the word that I had asked people to boycott events arranged by Jim Pelura.

Those same lies were spread about Republican stalwarts, like Chuck Gast and Brian Harlan too, in order to find scapegoats to explain the dismal performance of the RW&B Dinner.

I wish I had the power to turn fundraising on and off with whisper, or even an unspoken word. If so, our coffers would be overflowing. All I can do, however, is remind you of the words I actually have spoken or written.

The file RRBEmails.doc contains the covers emails I put on the Weekly calendar that is sent directly to more than 300 activists (on a blind list), and is passed along further to their lists. You will see me encouraging participation in this event, and working on our Central Committee members to attend too (I was one of only three members to attend).

RWBTooExpensive.doc is an email from a Republican activist to the Chairman saying that $200 for RWB is too expensive. Emphasis and color in the original.

And finally, in GOP Fundraisers, you will see similar encouragements to hundreds of activists. You will also see the email notifications I received on these events, and the fact that I turned them around to my list within a day.

Combating lies is difficult, especially when whispered. As always, I encourage you to contact me directly if you hear anything that disturbs you. And please, let me know the source so we can track down the lies and rumors that hurt our Party and put an end to them. I believe we are stronger as a party when we stand in the light of day.



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