Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Did you need a survey to know this?

Seriously, I think we are just a wee bit over-surveyed:
Somalia was named and shamed Tuesday as the worst-governed country in sub-Saharan Africa in a survey of political performance across the continent.

The inaugural annual Ibrahim Index of African Governance, published by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, ranks 48 countries against 58 individual measures.

The foundation uses those measures to rank countries on five factors: safety and security; rule of law, transparency and corruption; participation and human rights; sustainable economic opportunity; and human development.

Somalia basically exists as a de jure country, something that exists merely on paper. It hasn't had an operational central government since 1991. There are not one, not two, but three breakaway provinces in the north claiming independence and acting as de facto sovereign states. So did it require a study of "African Governance" to figure out that Somalia was the worst governed country? Couldn't the money used to conduct this survey have been better used to help people in Africa who need it?


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