Monday, November 12, 2007

"Don't Taze Me, Ma'am!"

At least some self-defense methods these days is getting some positive attention:
Groups of women are gathering at homes across America for Taser parties, where the guns are presented with wine and cheese, similar to earlier Tupperware parties.

A host at the parties explains the value of owning a personal Taser gun and then women are allowed to look at and handle the devices, which include a metallic pink gun.

Lisa Rigberg, who hosted a recent Taser party in an upscale Arizona neighborhood, said the guns are a must-have for women."It's light, it's small and it comes in colors," Rigberg said. "But if you know you are going to be in a certain situation where you might be uncomfortable, why not have it with you? It just makes you more confident."
I can think of more effective methods of self-defense, but this is a positive step too...


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