Friday, November 30, 2007

We must destroy this village in order to save it

"Jim Pelura meets the qualifications of the Chairman that we need, and I am extremely enthusiastic about his prospects as Chairman."
I wrote that one year ago today. Man, have things changed.

In the last year, the party has plunged deeper and deeper into debt. The party has become less and less relevant in Maryland's political landscape. We have completely inappropriate involvement of key GOP staffers in the removal of a duly elected County GOP Chairman. We have a party that was virtually absent during the most recent special session. And we have budget issues that seem to be only the tip of the iceberg.

And things seem like they are only about to get worse. Sources tell me that Jim Pelura has virtually cut off the entire Executive Committee from the day-to-day operations of the party. They also tell me that Pelura is backed only by a small fraction of Central Committee leaders.

And then there is the John Flynn problem. I have never been enamored with the idea of Flynn as Executive Director, given his record of working as a member of the Maryland Accountability Project and covering up attendance records for certain favored members of the General Assembly. But Flynn's performance as Executive Director has been completely abysmal...assuming you can find the record at all. The only thing that most party activists and leaders ever hear from their Executive Director is when he forwards useless, uninteresting emails.

What is Flynn's real record? Well, a lot of people seem to only hear from Flynn when he is complaining about the reduction of his salary and celebrating with those who ousted Mike Collins as Chairman of the Anne Arundel GOP. What has Flynn accomplished as the Executive Direcotr? Do we have credible candidates in all Congressional Districts? Did we have a cohesive, organized message during the Special Session? Have we raised money? Are there more registered Republicans than there were one year ago? Did the party have a financially successful Red, White, and Blue dinner? Did the party host a financially successful golf tournament? The answer to all of those questions is a resounding no.

It has become quite apparent that during the current regime long-time Republican donors are voting with their pocketbooks and choosing not to donate to a party that appears to be in disarray. And given the things that we hear and the actions that we see, it's hard to argue that particular point.

Unfortunately, it has come to the point where we must destroy this village in order to save it. In order for the Republican Party to be a viable political entity in Maryland in 2008, 2010 and beyond, Jim Pelura needs to be removed as Chairman of the Party, and John Flynn needs to be fired as Executive Director. Now.

We have seen the record over the last year, and the record is not good. In order to ensure that there is no further damage to both the Republican Party apparatus, as well as the Republican brand here in the state of Maryland, we need change. And we need it now.

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Blogger Chester Peake said...


While I respect your opinions on many things, I am not convinced deposing the good Doctor is the way to go. You also felt last year that a one-year interim Chairman was not the thing to do, and that the Party needed consistent leadership. Yes, the money may be tight, but we all knew that would be the case after the Governorship was lost.

If you were in charge, and still had the current money woes, what would you do meanwhile? Make-do with just Marsha as the only staff member and rely on volunteers for all else? How would you get money out of people that have left the fold?

You really got me by using MOM's favorite "C" word, "consensus"! I thought we were done with that term after the Special Session, consensus of whom? Maybe I lack your sources, but is it really as bad as all that? I could hardly accuse Dr. Jim of being responsible for all the woes of the party. No more than Bob Ehrlich should have been blamed for George Bush's Iraq problems. Pelura's farm has horses, sheep, even (non-democrat) donkeys, but I do not ever seeing a scape-goat there.

Thanks for your insights and reporting anyway. Maybe I'm just too blind to see things quite like you do on this one.

All the best, Chester.

1:28 AM  
Blogger Chester Peake said...

Another thing, were you against the ouster of Mike Collins, but are now for the ouster of Dr. Jim?

1:32 AM  
Blogger said...

Chester - Consistent leadership means that leadership has to be present from the start. One year without leadership should not be followed by a second. I don't think Brian is attacking Jim personally - I just think that Jim and Flynn are in over their heads. There is no direction, no plan and no results coming out of West Street. Brian is also calling this out in public - not sneaking behind the scenes like the members of the Anne Arundel County Central Committee.

The solution is not cutting costs but raising more money. The problem is that Pelura and Flynn have cut so many insiders out of the loop and made it so that if you are not willing to agree with them - you are against them. We are over $100,000 in the hole and the new budget does not even cover repaying any of that debt. No members of the Executive Board have any idea where the current budget stands because Flynn and Pelura won't release it to them. That's right - our elected officers have no idea what our financial situation is. And instead of trying to find ways to mend the fences with the elected officials and find ways to raise money, John Flynn spent part of the day yesterday calling people to find out why Brian Giffiths had gone off the reservation and was being critical of them. Asking some to reply to defend him and Jim.

This is not personal against Jim - he has given a lot of money and time to this party and should be respected. He came in at one of the worst times in our party's history, but he is not the person to lead us out. If it is true that Al Redmer would be willing to lead - he has the background and connections to raise money and mend fences.

9:05 AM  
Blogger Chester Peake said...

Yeah, I think there are a lot more Pelura supporters that Flynn supporters, unfortunately I guess Flynn makes the Dr. look bad.

Is anybody reporting from this weekend's festivities?

11:20 PM  

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