Friday, August 22, 2008

Hope? Change? Nope

If what ABC is reporting is true (H/T Erick Erickson), and that Joe Biden is now receiving Secret Service protection, can somebody explain how somebody who has been a United States Senator for 36 years signify the "HopeChangeHope" that Obama allegedly represents?

Class? Class? Bueller?

He doesn't. It's just another realization for a lot of people that Obama is just like any other politician, just in a slightly more scandalized format...

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Blogger Jerry Shandrowsky said...

Obama needed a pick that would swing a state. Picking Bayh of Indiana or Kaine of Virginia likely would've accomplished that. Picking Delaware resident Joe Biden is a very questionable pick.

Hopefully, McCain won't make that same mistake.

5:19 PM  

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