Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Not that we all couldn't see it coming....
Of course, we already know that Governor O'Malley opposes the death penalty, but lacks the political guts to take steps in order to support its eradication. Instead, he is going to appoint a commission to "study" the issue, coming to the conclusion naturally that the death penalty should be abolished, to give O'Malley the political cover he needs to do what he wants to do.
- Me, 7/10/08

A commission appointed by Gov. Martin O'Malley to review state executions recommended tonight abolishing capital punishment in Maryland, prompting hope among death penalty opponents that the General Assembly could end the 30-year practice when it convenes in January.
- Baltimore Sun, 11/12/08
So glad that in this economy we spent all of that money to tell Governor O'Malley what he already knew.

Now....will O'Malley figure out where he put his spine and actually try to go against the will of the people of Maryland who wish to retain the death penalty as the appropriate measure of punishment of our most vile and heinous criminals?

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