Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Bad Move

Somebody needs to explain to me the grand importance of keeping bars open late on January 20th. Because apparently, it's really really important to some people:
Maryland lawmakers said "Cheers!" yesterday to allowing bars to stay open an extra hour in Anne Arundel County on Inauguration Day, moving with unusual speed to approve the first bill in the General Assembly's three-day-old session.

Gov. Martin O'Malley intends to sign the expedited measure, a spokesman said.

Del. James J. King, a Republican who owns an Annapolis bar, said he hoped the measure would boost an industry that's feeling the effects of the nation's recession at a time when thousands are coming to the area for the inauguration.

"They're in a celebratory mood, so hopefully they'll take advantage of it, and I think it's going to be a great thing for the county, for the state and for the industry," said King.
Seriously? The General Assembly convenes and passages an "Emergency Bill" (AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act is an emergency measure, is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health or safety) at warp speed to allow bars to stay open one hour later for one night in one county, one relatively farther away from the Inaugural Proceedings than other counties. Was this really the most efficient use of anyone's time?

If this were a bill dealing with extending the time bars that can be open in general (even in just one county), that would be more logical. If this were a bill dealing with extending the time bars can be open throughout Maryland or the Metro Area on Inauguration Day, that would be more logical. This bill though seems a little bit more about connections and helping out one's supporters than it does it helping all local businesses and good government.



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