Saturday, September 19, 2009


So apparently that whole Zina Pierre withdrawing from the Annapolis Mayoral Election? Well......nevermind:
The Annapolis mayoral candidate, whose spokesperson announced her withdrawal from the race Friday amid revelations of personal financial problems, said Saturday that she is staying in the contest.

Zina C. Pierre won the Democratic nomination last Tuesday, putting her on track to become Annapolis' first African-American mayor. Her campaign on Friday abruptly announced her withdrawal amid questions about her foreclosed home, bounced checks, state liens for unpaid income taxes and other problems. But less than 24 hours later, Pierre said she was staying in to "continue to fight for all residents, many of whom are calling, texting and e-mailing me with extraordinary support."
So in the last 24 hours, Zina Pierre has established herself as a fantastic joke. The fact that her campaign operation managed to bungle the story, announcing her withdrawal as a sure fact only to have the story revert itself, should show her inability to lead even the most basic of organizations.

Her campaign statement printed by the Capital is even weirder:
“I am running for Mayor of Annapolis and will continue to fight for all residents, many of whom are calling, texting and e-mailing me with extraordinary support. The same support I am getting from the chair of the Annapolis Democratic Central Committee. I will continue to be accountable, transparent and a strong leader. Misinformation led to the confusion of the last two days. We will hold a news conference on Wednesday to address issues in detail.”
I'm not exactly sure how Zina Pierre will continue to be accountable, transparent, and a strong leader when it is apparent that she intends to not be held accountable, be far from transparent, and so far seems to be one of the weakest leaders I have ever seen.

When you combine her inability to keep her campaign on the same page with what seems to be a lengthy history of questionable financial and legal decisions (I mean really, what kind of idiot lets their car insurance lapse twice?) , it makes you wonder how Zina Pierre could ever hope to lead the city of Annapolis.

I think it is time that bloggers, community leaders, and the local media to really do some soul searching and fully investigate what Zina Pierre has been up to.

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Blogger John said...

Apparently she has fired her old staff and replaced it with big guns from PG county. The spokesperson who spoke today is a new spokesperson.

This will be interesting.

You can see a copy of her statement (PDF) at Eye On Annapolis

9:21 PM  

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