Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Say What? # 2

"If[Governor] Ehrlich does not understand that our inalienable rights supersede marital rights, he does not belong as the head of the government of this state. I cannot in good conscience help him to be re-elected to an office he does not deserve."
- Former Republican and Senate Candidate David K. Kyle to the Maryland Gazette, 4/2/2005 regarding his leaving the party because of President Bush and Governor Ehrlich's actions regarding the Terri Schiavo case

I have never seen eye-to-eye with Mr. Kyle on a variety of issues. However, I am struggling with the concept that Mr. Kyle seems to have embraced; when did the Governor of Maryland receive expanded jurisidiction over Florida?

It seems like Kyle was looking to leave the party. It is disappointing that he decided to use the Terri Schiavo case for his own political needs to announce such a change.


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