Dems Also Irked by Sun's O'Malley Complex
It is not only Republicans who are concerned about the ever-lasting O'Malley cheerleading over on Calvert Street. I received an e-mail from Delegate Jill Carter(D-41) a legislative Democratic and city resident also concerned with the Sun's support of the Mayor. Delegate Carter writes:
...I do not always agree with or go along with Democratic leadership. I am not a supporter of O'Malley. I share your sentiments about The SUN serving as daily pr for O'Malley and I find it extremely frustrating. The Sun's bias is not only offensive republicans unfair to Ehrlich. I find it offensive as well. I am a Black, female, native Baltimorean. I have been constantly frustrated by an inability to get the Sun to print any story on any issue that could have negative repercussions for Martin O'Malley.If city Democrats, including elected legislators from Charm City, are as frustrated with the Sun's kid gloves treatment of Mayor O'Malley as the rest of us, we could be in for a long, intriguing year of politics leading up to the Democratic primary, not just the General Election.
Currently there is a Petition to Stop Illegal Arrests, caused by O'Malley, on the site.... The illegal arrests are only the tip of the iceberg regarding unbelievably appalling police practices in Baltimore which will soon come to light as well as the fraudulent Comsat reports that indicate crime is down.
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