Monday, December 05, 2005

An Artificial Feeling

Broadneck High School is making the switch to an artificial surface at its football stadium this winter. The Bruins will be playing on FieldTurf, the same surface that the Ravens play on, starting in the Spring.

I am conflicted by the installation of the surface. I am glad to see that Boosters and parents are making the move in order to protect the student-athletes and to create a safer playing envrionment. At the same time, I can only imagine that the money ($685,000 to be specific) could be better spent on more educational endeavors.

In the end, this is an effort put forth by private citizens and not spending taxpayer dollars (for the most part). Even the $125,000 spent by the Department of Parks and Recreation is not too much to ask considering that the Department will be able to provide more of its services at Broadneck's facilities.

The Board of Ed was right to give the go-ahead to this Broadneck project. But in the future, the Board should allow projects at other school athletic facilities to proceed only if they too can come up with private funds to cover the costs of these projects.


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