Thursday, December 29, 2005

Just Trade Him Already

If Miguel Tejada is this upset with the Orioles, then it is time for the team to cut bait and just get rid of him. I know that there is just about no way that the Orioles can win in this situation. They have a player who they thought would be a team leader now whining at every opportunity that they cannot get quality players. Perhaps part of the reason now is the fact that at every opportunity he criticizes management? And to cite Toronto is a bad comparison. The Blue Jays are going for broke. The Orioles are in no position to make the changes the Blue Jays made, considering that Overbay and Glaus were acquired by trade. Since the Orioles do not have the kind of prospects to make such a trade right now, we cannot be in on this action.

If the rumors are true that a deal is on the table to send Tejada and Erik Bedard to the Cubs for Mark Prior and Felix Pie, then by all means do it. We do not need the Miguel Tejada circus sideshow in our locker room.


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