Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Dump Sheehan

If the Democratic Party at the national level were serious about a debate of issues and ideas, including the handling of the War in Iraq, they need to run the other way from Cindy Sheehan and radicals of her ilk.

Once upon a time, Cindy Sheehan cut a sympathetic figure in the public eye. She had lost her son, and now she wanted to peacefully protest the conduct of the war in which he gave his life. I think that we, as Americans, share her sorrow for all of those who have died defending freedom in Iraq.

The problem came, however, when Sheehan became a darling of the media during the summer of 2005. After demanding all summer for a second meeting with the President, she unleashed this bizarre statement:
"I look back on it, and I am very, very, very grateful he did not meet with me, because we have sparked and galvanized the peace movement. If he'd met with me, then I would have gone home, and it would have ended there,” she said.
Sometime between her loss, the organizing of Gold Star Families for Peace, and the Camp Casey fiasco, Sheehan graduated from being a sorrowful mother to the latest glory hound for the left. She become the left's point-person for all things wacky; referring to an "occupied New Orleans", minimizing major hurricanes, and now getting arrested for wearing a politically charged t-shirt to the State of the Union.

How does this impact the Democratic Party? Normally, it would not; there are moonbats on all sides. However, Cindy Sheehan has been embraced by the modern "mainstream" of the Democratic Party, which has basically become the big tent for all sorts of modern peace activists and interests groups. Why else would a member of Congress give Sheehan an invitation to the address; Lynn Woolsey must have known that Sheehan was going to do something ludicrous while attending the event. It is incredible to think that Woolsey and her California colleague Pete Stark would endorse such a callous, shallow act.

What is worse for the Democrats is that the American people are seeing through this charade. They see the hate, the anger, the duplicity, and the antics of those embraced by Democratic leadership. The American people want the adults in charge at this point, and that is not the kind of leadership being espoused by national Democrats at this moment in time.

The national Democratic Party, if it wants to succeed, needs to become relevant again. Getting as far away from Cindy Sheehan as possible would be a good start for them.


Blogger cafiend said...

Could she (Sheehan)still be in the grip of unresolved grief, and have stayed in the spotlight because the distraction of it and the impression she is pressing a good cause help keep her stumbling forward through the sad territory which has become her life?

If you're a Republican you should be pleased when the Democrats seem determined to keep aligning themselves with disturbing kooks. But it does not raise the level of political discourse.

Has anyone analyzed census data to see if kooks are proportionally represented? There are a lot of nuts out there...

4:47 PM  

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