Monday, April 03, 2006

Indict McKinney

Capitol Police have asked prosecutors to indict Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney for the scuffle that occured last week between McKinney and a Capitol Police Officer. I hope that prosecutors do issue the indictment.

An indictment of Cynthia McKinney will remind all members of Congress that they are not above the law (though Cynthia McKinney is certainly not represenatitive of a normal member of Congress). As much as McKinney supporters would like to turn this into a race issue, it is an issue of process. The fact of the matter is that in a situation such as this one, John Q. Public would likely be indicted in the same circumstances. McKinney should face a similar indictment. Besides, whose fault is it that McKinney chooses not to wear her Member of Congress pin?

An indictment of McKinney, like the prosecution of Duke Cunningham, will hopefully remind Congressman that there are standards they must keep in order to keep the public trust...and their jobs.


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