The Sensenbrenner Conundrum
How can House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) be so right on illegal immigration:
Yet so wrong on the Jefferson investigation?"This will set up a very difficult House-Senate conference committee because the approaches taken by the House and Senate on this issue have been 180 degrees apart," said Rep. James Sensenbrenner, chairman of the Judiciary Committee and principal author of the more stringent House bill.
"Amnesty is wrong," he told a news conference.
"I want to have Attorney General Gonzales and FBI Director Mueller up here to tell us how they reached the conclusion they did," said Sensenbrenner, one of President Bush's most loyal House allies. Sensenbrenner's hearings, which began Tuesday, are examining whether the May 20 raid violated the Constitution.The Sensenbrenner Conundrum is a problem a lot of loyal Republicans have had recently; standing with the conservative House members when they stand up for immigration controls, standing against pork, etc., yet cringing when mistakes like this one are made.
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