Monday, May 22, 2006

Zero Tolerance Means Zero Tolerance

But do we need Zero Tolerance for ketchup?
Kirk Alvers has done the math: He's being charged $3 for a gallon of gas but $18 for 36 ounces of ketchup.

Alvers and other Basha High students are seeing red over a school policy that charges them 25 cents for two half-ounce packets of ketchup at lunch. The policy was enacted recently to limit waste and messiness in the school's lunch area.

Three free ketchup packets come with the purchase of a burger and fries, but students are charged for any extras. There is no charge for other condiments.

"If you have unrestricted access to things that explode, things will happen," said Kristine Marchiando, the school's principal. She said students were twisting ketchup packets and stomping on them, requiring an outdoor lunch area to be steam-cleaned regularly.

Students opting to bring their own ketchup bottles to school have had them confiscated by security. They have been told the bottles are considered open food containers and represent a health-code violation. Students have been threatened with suspension if they persist.
At least Alvers has a sense of humor:
Alvers, a senior, said that some students wore "Free Heinz" T-shirts to school last Friday and put up posters with a similar message.
Who needs to educate kids when there is kethcup to confiscate...


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