Friday, June 23, 2006

Dwyer Slams Governor Ehrlich

"Loyal" Republican Don Dwyer found it necessarily to publicly assail Governor Ehrlich in today's Washington Times over the issue of firing a Metro Board member:
Delegate Don Dwyer Jr., Anne Arundel County Republican, said Mr. Smith's firing was unjust and "intolerant of the moral values of many Marylanders."

"I think it's unfortunate that the governor has caved in to the homosexual lobby on this issue," said Mr. Dwyer, who led the unsuccessful effort to put the same-sex "marriage" ban on the ballot....

"The governor has compromised the principles of most Marylanders," he said. "If [Mr. Ehrlich] believes the homosexual lobby will get him re-elected in 2006, I think he is making a serious error in judgment."
I don't have an opinion of the firing one way or another, because Smith served at the pleasure of the Governor, and it was the Governor's decision to let him go. You can argue both sides.

Of course, none of this should be a surprise from Dwyer, given his stumping against President Bush and against Republicans in 2004. And I have heard from more than one person that privately, Dwyer doesn't think he needs the party.

I just find it funny that Dwyer made time to comment on this story when he couldn't bother to come to work last week...


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