Saturday, July 22, 2006

Everything that is Wrong with the modern Maryland Democratic Party

...can be summed up in this post from Jamison Moody's blog. Mr. Moody is a candidate for the Democratic Central Committee in District 31.
The Republican party as a whole is a massive support of corruption and criminality. From the top to the bottom of the party, Republicans revel in the criminality of their leadership and happily go to bat for them every chance they get. I can go to any America hating Republican right now and get a justification for every single criminal activity that the party has participated in without any hesitation or consideration of the damage it does to our nation. They literally don't give a damn, they just want their radical hate ideology pushed forward and ultimate they dream of the day that the United States has been destroyed. Hate, fear, and greed is all they know.
This statement is so broadly overreaching, it is farcical. And it proves why so many Democrats are having problems in polling and at the ballot box. The Democratic Party has ceased being a party of ideas. It is now more concerned with being a party of hate and intolerance of anything other than the politically correct orthodoxy as Democrats define it.

He ignores the crimes of William Jefferson, and his ridiculous misuse of the National Guard during the Katrina recovery. He ignores the Democratic intolerance of conservative values in virtually all settings. He ignores the sheer number of Republicans, myself included, who want to defeat everybody associated with the Abramoff scandal.

Instead, he spreads a Democratic message that pushes, ironically, hate, fear and greed.

What's even more amazing is that this kind of message does not represent all Democrats. There are many Democrats, particularly in our state and our county, that do not buy into this ultraliberal worldview. They are people of reason, principle, and moderate to conservative values; the same people who elected Bob Ehrlich in 2002 and will do so again in 2006.

It's just disappointing when any activist or party member of any political stripe lumps other activists or party members of an opposing viewpoint into one collective group and says that they believe x, y, or z.

This is just a smaller scale example of the Democrats larger scale problem. While it adds nothing to the public discourse, it does ensure the continued ascendancy of Republican candidates and ideals.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here here.

4:13 PM  

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