Saturday, July 29, 2006

Higher Comedy

My post last week about the hate screed written by Democratic Central Committee candidate Jamison Moody got a response from Mr. Moody that can be defined as high comedy:
Given the rampant Republican failures of the last few years and their vain attempts to use the same solutions that caused the problems to solve them again, I'd be careful telling people to pick the party of ideas, because the Democrats have a lot of ideas and people know that. The idea bankruptcy is a Republican party problem, people with a problem tend to focus on that problem when they talk to everyone else. Sounds like a guilty conscious showing through on the part of rank and file Republicans.
I'm not sure what Demcorat has ideas in what context anymore. The Democratic message coming from Congressional leadership has been almost non-existant during Pelosi's leadership. Given what Steny Hoyer thinks that this should be the Democratic message, I don't think anybody is concerned too much with ideas, either. Reoublican leaders and candidates have good ideas. Unfortunately, Congressional leadership has failed to act on them, instead focusing on feel-good bills such as last night's omnibus death tax/minimum wage fiasco.
Hate and intolerance of the Democratic party is just more guilty conscious showing through there again. The Republican party has defined itself with the "Southern Strategy". Racism and hate are their core values, it's at the heart of all their major policy decisions. I guess it's sort of hate and intolerance that Democrats don't stand for such behavior in their presence. And I guess if you were a racist, that might offend you. So it may just be a prospective thing, of which my only response can be "lump it".
Pass the sins of the father onto the son. The Southern Strategy is something no sane person should be proud of. But to say that "Racism and hate are their core values, it's at the heart of all their major policy decisions" is once again part of the Democratic hate machine trying to smear all Republicans with the broadest of brushes.
It's amusing when I talk to Republicans about the corruption that is so rampant in their party. For a Republican a single data point can make a trendline. How exactly does that work?? Dianne beat me to the punch of the William Jefferson post on the blog, so I didn't have to say anything because she had said it, I sent her another source which she added as an update the post. But I'm sorry a single criminal a crime syndicate does not make.
I recommend the book "Donkey Cons: Sex Crime and Corruption in the Democratic Party."
As for intolerance to conservative "values", I'm not sure where to go with that. One of my values is religious tolerance, Conservatives don't share that value. So because I say that people should be allowed to worship any way they want for as long as the execution of their faith doesn't infringe on the rights of others to believe what they want makes me intolerant? I don't think people should live under the boot of the religious extremists that run the Republican party and that makes me intolerant. Everything that the members of the Republican party thinks is just plain backwards to reason and logic, so I guess the only real answer is yes, I'm intolerant of intolerance, shame on me and all the other Democrats that stand up against evil.
This section makes absolutely no sense because I don't think he caught the drift. Conservative values have nothing to with religion when I speak of them. I don't go to church and I have no time for any stripe of religious extremism. The Republican Party is not a party of religious extremism. The most vocal extremist paint the party with a broad, annoying brush that makes the rest of us look bad. I have a tolearance of people of all faiths and beliefs, because that's how I was brough up and that's how I have socialized myself. The conservative values I talk about are hard work. Perseverance. Freedom from high taxation. Getting a hand up, not a hand out (as the cliche goes). Government staying out of the way so people and families can prosper and thrive. What's so bad about all of that? And if the Democrats werre so tolerant of other viewpoints, why did they run all of the conservative, Pro-Life Dems out of the party?
See for Republicans morals are a flexible sort of thing, there are two sets of rules depending on how much money you have.
Wait a sec...what then is the Democratic opposition to a flat tax if only Republicans have two sets of rules?
We Democrats are fans of law and order, which puts us at odds with the Republican party. I don't really consider this ultraliberal, but in the backwards world of Republican thought I guess it is.
But wasn't law and order part of that Southern Strategy??? What's ultraliberal, of course, is the lip service paid to law and order. Look at Baltimore City, with its out of control crime rate that O'Malley likes to boast is so much better now.
Let's talk about the Ehrlich Democrats for a second. KKT was a bad choice for Governor, she ran a bad campaign, the political environment was hostile, and a good number of the Democrats in this county decided to vote against her. Not to mention the fact that Ehrlich is from the area, which means he's the local choice, hometown boy does good story that people love to hear. So it's was prefect storm that allowed Ehrlich to win the race in 2002.
Now this is actually common sense (thought Ehrlich is from Arbutus and isn't that local, but everything else makes sense), but then...
But he promptly reminded everyone why Republicans can't be trusted.
Right. Then we get to....
I mean campaign contributions to Ehrlich's campaign in return for whatever favors he gives them. Republicans happily will turn a blind eye to this kind of stuff, but Democrats, even conservative ones that hate where the party has ended up, still believe in the honest government and don't have the stomach for this kind of rampant criminality. If they find out about it, they won't stand for it.
Of course, there is no proof for any of the things that he is going to throw out there. If Democrats believe in honest government than why did we have the kangaroo court proceedings? What's mroe troublesome is the fact that with thirty-plus years of Democratic rule prior to the Ehrlich administration, guess where all of the Maryland political scandals had their genesis? Marvin Mandel or Old Court, anybody? As somebody who has lived in Maryland his entire life, we know what it's like to suffer under years upon years of Democratic rule, and is was not pleasant. What bothers me more is the absolute naïveté of this supposed "rampant criminality" he talks about. Unfortunately, there are corrupt people in politics. It's an unfortunate fact of life. There have been corrupt politicians from the foudning of this republic. But people do find out about it and, unfortuantely, they do stand for it. When was the last time a major corruption scandal saw a politician lose prior to be forced to resign or convicted of something? It's been a long time.
I'm still waiting to meet a Republican that is willing the raise the level of public discourse on any subject beyond their juvenile level of hysteria. With the control of the media by the radical right, to be heard over the Republican noise machine you've got to raise your voice a little. That always brings this reaction of shock and horror, that you'd dare to question the inherent rightness of their radical ideology.
I'm trying to figure out when the media became Republican. Apparently, somebody doesn't not the bias the Sun has against this Governor, but this is all part of that goofy "Mighty Wurlitzer" argument from a while back. So if the media is so Republican, wouldn't this story from the Seattle Post- Intelligencer not be covering up the fact that the shooter in yesterday's dastardly shooting in Seattle not the fact that this was a terrorist attack by a Muslim shooter?
The Republican party holds no moral high ground folks, questioning them costs you nothing. And I'm not going to apologize for standing up for what's morally right in the face of an army of people who want me believe in something that is wrong. And the reality is that we all have a duty to stand up and resist their radical ideology just because we are Americans and we stand up for what is right.
Standing up for what you believe in is the American Way, and I applaud him for that. But don't think that you have the moral absolute authority to paint people with a broad brush. I have many friends who are Democrats, good people of reason who I can have meaningful, yet polite political disagreements with. There are even many Democrats in government who a good people, mean well, and work for their constituents. But to say "they" have a radical ideology obsucres whatever message he is trying to put forth, unless that is the only message existant.
This is politics boys and girls, I wasn't born yesterday despite what the GOP seems to think. There are about 6 to 8 thousand super voters in my district and they aren't Ehrlich Democrats and they sure as hell aren't too fond of the Republican party either.
In 2002, Robert Fustero gained 30% of the vote in the Democratis gubernatorial primary in Anne Arundel County against KKT. He defeated Townsend if five precincts in (wait for it...) District 31. In the general, Ehrlich won every precinct in District 31. O'Malley, depsite playing in a rock band, has no more broader appeal than KKT does because of his incessant whining and mismanagement of Baltimore city during his seven years as mayor. 2006 will be a repeat of 2002, and the Governor will be elected.

You know, after writing all of this, I think that we Republicans should encourage Mr. Moody's election. If this is the kind of thing he'll bring to the Democratic Central Committee, Republicans will be in much better shape.


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