Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Excusing the Hypocrites

Our favorite left-wing District 31 blogger Jamison Moody is at it again with another...different rant regarding. Regarding Barack Obama driving away in a GMC SUV after a speech that he gave regarding decreasing our dependence on foreign oil, Moody writes this:
See to the hypocrite there is never a high enough standard that can be reached to please them. The fact that the American automakers offer nothing along the lines of what is required for Obama's needs are irrelevant to them. They need desperately to score political points on an issue where they have no credible stance. Now if some evidence could be given that Obama was resisting some good faith effort by automakers to provide him with fuel efficient vehicles and he declined to use them, then he would be a hypocrite. But until that time, this is nothing more than a cheap partisan attack that is now being parroted by yet another media outlet that should know better.
That's right, it's OK that Obama is a hypocrite on the use of foreign oil because he needs a big car. It's the same argument that liberals used to defend Rosie O'Donnell sauntering around with an armed guard. Of course, I can't imagine what Moody would say if a suburban mom needed a large car to carry her family around.

Know what really cracks me up about Moody's site? Their rules. I personally like # 11, since they don't tolerate it yet link to DailyKos and Firedoglake, which routinely paraded out anti-semitic material directed at Joe Lieberman in recent weeks...


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