One Bad Apple
Tom Remdond was the leading vote getter in the Republican Central Committee race in District 31. This was troubling, not just because I lost, but because Redmond served on the County Council as a Democrat from 1994-1998 (my first political letter to the editor was a letter to the Gazette criticizing his support of the proposed NASCAR track in May, 1998). But he had since switched parties back, supported various Republican candidates, so that was that as far as I was concerned. As many of you know, his property along Route 100 has many large political signs for Republican candidates on his fence.
Needless to say, I was not particularly happy to see this: a Ron Bateman sign stuck with all of these other Republican signs. Tom Redmond, a newly elected member of the Republican Central Committee is openly supporting a Democratic candidate Four Days after the Primary.
I look at it this way; if anybody wants to vote for a candidate from another party, that is their personal decision that they can undertake in private. But a Republican Central Committee member cannot be serious about supporting the party, and supporting the party's candidates if they are openly promoting and supporting candidates from the other side. Is Redmond showing his true colors? Is his George Johnson sign on backorder?
I know that I have been critical of other Republicans in the past, and that has angered some people. But the primary election is now over. We as Republican leaders are supporting the Republican ticket because that is how we advance our Republican agenda and this is how we build our Republican Party. Redmond's behavior in doing this is unacceptable and a slap in the face to not only our Republican nominee for Sheriff, John Moran, but a slap in the face to the 2,955 Republicans who voted for Redmond on Tuesday.
If this angers you as much as it does me, contact Tom Redmond and urge him to take the Bateman sign down or resign from the Republican Central Committee immediately.
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