Friday, September 01, 2006

California to Constitution: Drop Dead

That's the message given by California General Assembly, which recently passed a bill that would require California to award its electoral votes to the winner of the nationwide popular vote, not the winner of the popular vote in California. This is part of a Natitonal Popular Vote scheme put forth by some in an effort to get states to pass such legislation in order to elect the President directly. The scheme is basically a way to undermine the Constitution change the way we elect our President without actually amending the Constitution.

What's truly sad is that by doing it in this manner, the California legislature has taken the basic premise of one man, one vote away from the people of California. California voters no longer will have any control over how their electoral votes are cast, instead that decision being turned over to the country as a whole. Furthermore, if the proponents of abolishing the Electoral College really want to do this in a legitimate manner, not in a sneaky, underhanded, subversive way, try to pass a Constitutional Amendment. It certainly wouldn't be the first time such an amendment would be introduced in Congress. Clearly, the organizers of this effort have some sort of agenda they are pushing in order to try and subvert our political process in this manner.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A better way to allocate electoral votes is by proportional representation. Why should a candidate get ALL the votes just because they win the popular election in a given state with a majority (in some cases a plurality) of the vote?

Personally, I think the electoral college should be done away. However, barring that, states should atleast use proportional distribution of electoral votes based on the popular vote of the state.

10:10 AM  

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