Saturday, November 04, 2006

And this is Bubba...

It may be a different race, but the O'Malley campaign is taking on the same panicked tone as the Cardin campaign, and here's why:
Starting tomorrow Mayor Martin O'Malley's campaign will begin airing a television commercial featuring former President Bill Clinton's support.

In the 30-second ad obtained last night by The Sun, Clinton says, "This year's election is especially important in Maryland. Because you have a chance to elect my good friend Martin O'Malley as your next governor."

A photo of O'Malley and Clinton fills the screen. "There is a reason Time magazine named Martin one of America's best mayors - his dedication to safer streets, quality schools and making government work better."

"I've seen him at work fighting for the right kind of change, always pursuing middle class interests before the special interests," Clinton says. "There is a difference in this election and you can make it."

This smacks of desperation and risk; who says that an appearance by Clinton doesn't backfire and turn off soft conservative Democrats?


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