Thursday, November 02, 2006

Live from 200 St. Paul Street

Looks like Doug Gansler is planning on being a Spitzer-esque Attorney General (and that is not a compliment):

He plans to make the Attorney General’s Office more activist on issues such as the environment, child pornography and the state’s growing gang problem. For models, he looks to New York’s Eliot Spitzer and Michael Moore, the former Mississippi attorney general who sued tobacco companies. He consulted with both during his campaign.

He proposes a comprehensive “audit” of the Chesapeake Bay, followed by the prosecution of polluters using the federal Clean Water Act. He wants a centralized resource to track and combat gangs, and plans to push a state racketeering law to ease prosecution of gang members.

This basically means Gansler's four-year term is nothing more than a reality show, a series of publicity stunts to build his profile for an eventual run for higher office. Gansler is one of the bigger self-promoters in state politics, having spent basically the last seven-years running for Attorney General.

The last thing we really need taking over from a subdue, yet incredibly left-wing
activist Attorney General is a boisterous, self-promoting left-wing activst. All the more reason it is so important to vote for Scott Rolle, a candidate who actually wants to do the job, on Tuesday.


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