Friday, March 30, 2007


Well it appears the the Capital is against the machinations to add the salary amendment to the current School Board bill. But I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this quote (bolding mine):
We don't oppose paying board members for their services - Anne Arundel County, the fourth-largest jurisdiction in the state, is one of only three that doesn't offer salaries, although it does provide money for expenses.

School board members can devote as much time to their jobs as County Council members. And the job is certainly more time-consuming than that of a liquor board commissioner, who earns at least $8,500.

But the amendment came at the 11th hour, when there wasn't much opportunity for public debate. Until that point, the issue was fixing a faulty system that occasionally puts people on the board who haven't been vetted by a nominating convention.
While I agree in principle with what they are trying to say, I find it incredible that the Capital's editorial board chose to belabor that particular point when the entire purpose of this bill is to remove the opportunity for public debate from the school board selection process.



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