Saturday, July 14, 2007

Redefining Ugly

Who would think this was good looking? Who else....
Could you resist a logo like this? County Executive John R. Leopold hopes not.

He picked this design from about 44 others submitted in a countywide contest for Anne Arundel's new recruitment logo. The insignia by Bob Brenton of Pasadena is supposed to entice potential employees into taking a job in county government, where there are about 285 vacancies in the county's 4,284-person workforce.

Mr. Brenton received a plaque and free passes to county parks for his efforts. During an unveiling at the Arundel Center this morning, Mr. Leopold said the orange design and slogan "Heart of Maryland, Soul of the Cheaspeake" reflected his appreciation of simplicity and his view of Anne Arundel's importance in the state.

How a guy who started life as an abstract oil painter and lives off of his trust fund can appreciate "simplicity" is anyone's guess....

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