Tuesday, August 14, 2007

This is My Point

Some of my fellow Republicans give me flack that I refer to the Leopold Administration being liberal and wasting taxpayer dollars with regularity. This makes my point for me:
For the next month, more than 1,000 county residents will be grilled about their exercise and eating habits.

The questions are part of the county Health Department's effort to determine residents' lifestyles. The telephone survey, which began yesterday, is conducted once every three years and the results are compared with state and national statistics and broken down into various categories to help health officials better target their programs and services....

...."We get to target our programs toward the issues and people that are affected," said Ronna Gotthanier, a county health planner. "We just want to encourage people to participate. It's very helpful to us to serve the county better and to make residents healthier."
Does the County really need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a useless survey to tell them how healthy people are? Of course not. Most of us aren't healthy enough. And for some of us, it's because we have to work too hard to earn the money to pay the taxes to pay for useless crap like this.

Did you also know that the Anne Arundel County Health Department "also offers workplace wellness programs, where workers learn to exercise in the office through stair climbing and other activities." Gee, glad I'm paying for that.

So, here's to another program that should be cut from the Leopold Administration's carryover of Janet Owens' profligate spending....

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