Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Come Again?

As usual, the Annapolis insiders provide us with a startling look into their lack of reality:
The president of the Maryland Senate said yesterday that Sen. Ulysses Currie's work for a regional grocery chain should be investigated by the General Assembly, but Sen. Thomas V. Mike Miller dismissed speculation that he would ask the Prince George's County Democrat to step down from his leadership post.

"Senator Currie, in my opinion, is guilty of making a terrible mistake," said Miller, who is attending the Democratic National Convention here. "Knowing him, I believe it was absent-mindedness. Still, he lobbied the government on behalf of a private entity for personal profit."
Say what? Guilty of making a terrible mistake?

What I think Senator Miller meant to say was "guilty of violating ethics laws and unfit to serve in the State Senate."

Sadly, the story gets worse:
Despite his censure of Currie's actions, Miller again dismissed rumors yesterday that he would ask his political ally to step down as head of the Senate committee that oversees the state budget.

"Senator Currie is going to remain chairman ... through all of these difficult budget negotiations," Miller said, referring to the problems that could be caused by anticipated state revenue shortfalls. "And if, in fact, he is charged by the federal government, then we will look at it again."
So we have somebody who has violated ethics laws and engaged in what seems to be bribery and public corruption, and of course had contraband narcotics found at his home, and Miller is going to leave him in charge of the budget? Is this some sort of bizarro universe we find ourselves in?

The ridiculous thing, however, is the fact that Miller legitimately believes that Currie did no lawful wrong and should remain in the Senate. Had Currie been a Republican, however, don'tcha think that Miller would be constructing the gallows?

There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that Senator Currie broke at least ethics laws, and possibly many many more while serving as a State Senator. He is unfit to serve as a Senator, and certainly unfit to serve in a position of trust and authority as Chairman of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee. Senate leadership needs to wake up and do the right thing.

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