Thursday, January 14, 2010

This guy wants to represent you, too....

Local trial lawyer/house candidate/mudslinger Judd Legum is still doing his trial lawyer bit as he campaigns for the House of Delegates. And let me tell you what, he takes on some odd cases for someone who wants to earn the public's trust:
The Odenton Volunteer Fire Company wrongly rented out its social hall for an event in which two people were shot and a third was hit by a car while fleeing the violence, a lawyer for the injured partygoers said in opening remarks Tuesday to an Anne Arundel County jury.

Judd Legum asked jurors to hold the fire company liable for his clients' injuries.

But Senior Assistant County Attorney Hamilton Tyler said that it was not the fire company's fault that the party organizer lied on her application and that a disgruntled partygoer shot two people....

....Legum said the county liquor board threatened to curb the license at the Odenton facility after other violence, including at an event in March 2005 in which Young applied under her maiden name to hold a party for a nonprofit that was really a for-profit party where a person was stabbed.

The fire company promised to rein in the parties, blackball anyone who lied on an application and have firefighters monitor the events, but that didn't happen, Legum said.

Tyler said the trial will show that Young lied on the application for the September 2005 party because she knew the fire company had changed its rental policy.

So let me get this straight; Judd Legum wants to hold the Odenton Volunteer Fire Department responsible for the misuse of their facility by somebody who committed fraud and decieved the fire company to obtain use of its facility, and he wants Anne Arundel County taxpayers to fork over $7 million in taxpayer dollars in restitution for something neither the county nor the taxpayers were liable for.

Is this really why we pay taxes? Is this really a good use of taxpayer dollars? Of course it isn't.

The fact of the matter is that the trial lawyer who wants Anne Arundel County resident to fork over $7 million for something that the lawyer himself knows that the county could not be responsible for also wants to represent the people of Anne Arundel County in the House of Delegates. Is this the kind of guy we want to be making decisions with our taxpayer dollars in the House of Delgates?

Judd Legum is very good and finding new and creative ways to beclown himself, and new and amazing ways to show that he is not fit to be a member of the House of Delegates...

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