Friday, April 08, 2005

Big Brother Comes to Hopkins

Big Brother enrolled at Johns Hopkins yesterday with the school's unveiling of their new security camera project yesterday. To really hammer home the privacy issues involved with these cameras, they are programmed to recognize particular actions that may or may not be somebody committing a crime.

School officials have yet to answer how a camera is going to protect somebody from a crime actually being committed.

But here is the real reason that JHU has paid $500,000 for this system:
In March, police arrested a man who they believe is responsible for Trinh's murder. He has yet to face trial. Elser's murderer also hasn't been found, and his family has offered a reward for information leading to an arrest.
It is understandable that the school wants to help make the campus more secure. But these cameras are indicative of the "Do Something" strategy that has been sweeping the nation. Nobody is more of less secure than they were now. The camera does not stop a crime in progress. The only difference is that instead of having no leads on a suspect they can view the tape.


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