Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Filibuster Thoughts

I was never a fan of the rule changes proposed regarding judicial filibusters. However, Senate Republicans really could not forsee the deal struck by some of their colleagues. The deal negotiated by John McCain calling for Democrats to allow up or down votes on only three of the President's nominees with no guarantee to avoid a filibuster on the other two nominees.

The good news is that Judges Priscilla Owen, Janice Rogers Brown and William Pryor are going to be confirmed with an up-or-down vote in a short period of time. But I do not think for a minute that the Democrats will use call for "Extraordinary Circumstances" at the first opportunity.

The only person that really benefits from this agreement is Senator McCain if he plans on making another run for the White House in 2008.

As opposed to the so-called "nuclear option", the filibuster does need to be restored to the way it was. Until rules changes in the 1960's, the Jimmy Strewart Mr. Smith Goes to Washington style filibuster was the norm. Only Senate rule changes allowed issues to be "filibustered" while allowing the Senate to continue to conduct business on other matters.

If an issue is important enough for one side to filisbuster, that side should be forced to take the floor and ensure that their side does not relinquish control of the floor in order to delay legislation. The filibuster at its finest. That is the true filisbuster reform the Senate needs. Do not take away the filibuster on any particular issue; restore it to the way it used to be.


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