Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Bad Form

To add insult to injury to the paltry 18 percent in the Mayor's race, this happened last night as well:
As for three Republicans and one independent candidate, we don't know how they acted in victory or defeat. Reporters were barred from their party last night at Armadillo's.

Lawrence Scott, a political consultant aiding many of the candidates inside, booked the room and had the bouncers make sure a reporter stayed out.

Two Republicans, Circuit Court Clerk Robert Duckworth and Del. Herb McMillan, were shocked that the local newspaper wouldn't have access to political candidates on election night.

"That's ridiculous," Mr. Duckworth said. "What happened to freedom of the press?"

Mr. Duckworth asked Mr. Scott why reporters weren't allowed in.

"Not my call," Mr. Scott said.
It was a private functiton, and it is their right to do so. But the individual that "made the call" so to speak made a poor choice. It is bad form to bar the press from an election night celebration, win or lose, regardless of the party.

On a night that was bad enough for the party, that certainly did not help.


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