Sunday, February 05, 2006

What is the Endgame on Danish Cartoons?

Where will the row about the Danish cartoons stop? Yesterday, it was burning the Danish and Norwegian embassies in Syria. Today, it is the burning of the Danish Embassy in Beirut, as well as an attempt to storm Catholic Churches in the capital. The White House released a statement yesterday condemning the attacks:

The United States condemns in the strongest terms the burning of the Danish and Norwegian Embassies in Damascus, Syria today, which also damaged the Chilean and Swedish Embassies. The Government of Syria's failure to provide protection to diplomatic premises, in the face of warnings that violence was planned, is inexcusable.

The State Department has told the Syrian Ambassador that Syria must act decisively to protect all foreign embassies and citizens in Damascus from attack. We will hold Syria responsible for such violent demonstrations since they do not take place in that country without government knowledge and support.
Where is this going to end? Legally, Denmark has a casus belli against both Syria and Lebanon; Embassies are treated as sovereign soil, and these countries have allowed Danish sovereignty to be violated. Syria is already listed as a state-sponsor of terror; is this, of all things, going to be the spark for military action against Syria.

And while seperate from the current violence in Syria and Lebanon, these pictures of demonstrators in London are not really conducive to free speech either.


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