Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Signs of the Times

When you drive around the county and the district between now and the primary, don't get too caught up in how many signs you see for a particular candidate. Just because a candidate has a bunch of signs on the street does not mean that they have a tremendous amount of support. Take Washington, DC, for example. If you drive around the city, you would think that Linda Cropp, Adrian Fenty, and Vincent Orange are in a tight, three-way scrum for the Democratic nomination to be Mayor. However, the latest SurveyUSA poll indicates that Fenty is nearly lapping the field.

Campaign signs are important. But they aren't the most important aspect of a campaign by a long shot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this in response to all those Leopold signs around? Tell Bissett, bigger doesn't necessarily mean better. BTW, why has Bissett raised so little?

9:22 PM  

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