Monday, February 19, 2007

When "Consensus" is Wrong

Some people refuse to believe that any environmental science lacks consensus. Well, tell that to some British scientists about organic farming (H/T: Instapundit):

Organic food may be no better for the environment than conventional produce and in some cases is contributing more to global warming than intensive agriculture, according to a government report.

The first comprehensive study of the environmental impact of food production found there was "insufficient evidence" to say organic produce has fewer ecological side-effects than other farming methods....

David Miliband, the Environment Secretary, drew a furious response from growers last month when he suggested organic food was a "lifestyle choice" with no conclusive evidence it was nutritionally superior.

Sir David King, the Government's chief scientist, also told The Independent he agreed that organic food was no safer than chemically-treated food.

The report for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs found "many" organic products had lower ecological impacts than conventional methods using fertilisers and pesticides. But academics at the Manchester Business School (MBS), who conducted the study, said that was counterbalanced by other organic foods - such as milk, tomatoes and chicken - which are significantly less energy efficient and can be more polluting than intensively-farmed equivalents.

Ken Green, professor of environmental management at MBS, who co-wrote the report, said: "You cannot say that all organic food is better for the environment than all food grown conventionally. If you look carefully at the amount of energy required to produce these foods you get a complicated picture. In some cases, the carbon footprint for organics is larger."

The irony of this is the fact that many people specifically eat organic foods because they think they are healthier or are doing their part to help the environment. But as usual science may tell us a different story. You can't be like some people and stick your head in the sand and only refuse to believe what you want to believe. Even something as mainstream as recycling has its detractors who say it may hurt the environment.

If people want to buy organic foods and conduct organic farming because it makes them feel better, go right ahead. But the people who claim that organic farming is a panacea may have another thing coming...

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